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From Metacrisis to Metamodern Matrix: Key Accelerators

Writer's picture: Esia NathanielEsia Nathaniel

Updated: Jul 21, 2023

Sorry, not sorry to break it to you. You’ll not break out from the matrix - but there is an opening to join in on writing the new code. A paradigm shift of thinking and worldviews will be necessary to create a sustainable and thriving future. Here is an invitation to become a co-creator of our future world. In this article, I explore the metacrisis, and touch on some of the underlying core causes, the ongoing silent revolution towards the Metamodern Matrix, and emerging key accelerators. Let’s untangle what Edtech and Emotional Intelligence, as well as Deliberately Developmental Spaces (DDS) and Deliberately Developmental Leaders (DDL), have together in facilitating a smooth and powerful transition to what comes next. If you're a developer, feel free to take this as a crash course in writing cultural code. Like rewriting the code of the backend database running your current reality.

Unraveling the Tangled Web of Crisis

The world is facing numerous types of crises, each of which is interconnected and must be addressed in order to create a holistic solution.

5 of the most obvious ones:

  • Environmental Crisis: The rapid deterioration of the natural environment, including climate change, loss of biodiversity, and degradation of ecosystems.

  • Social Crisis: Issues such as poverty, inequality, social injustice, hate crimes, political polarization, and ethnic conflicts.

  • Economic Crisis: Widening wealth disparities, rising debt, and inability to obtain basic necessities such as food, water, and shelter.

  • Political Crisis: Deterioration of democratic institutions, rise of authoritarianism, polarization of politics, and distrust of government and other political institutions.

  • Psychological Crisis: The rising tide of anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues afflicting people all over the world.

Dancing Through the Challenges of a Changing World: From Modernism to Metamodernism

The current paradigm represents a dominant way of thinking about and comprehending the world. A paradigm is a collection of beliefs, values, and assumptions that shape our understanding of reality and guide our actions. There is an emerging trend (beginning in the Nordics) of moving away from the modernist worldview of rationality, objectivity, and progress and toward a more holistic, interconnected, and integrated understanding of the world.

There are a few things accelerating the shift, advances in science and technology, growing global interconnectedness, and increased awareness of environmental and social challenges. This shift towards a more holistic, interconnected, and integrated approach to problem-solving is often referred to as the "metamodern" perspective.

The Mental Health Masquerade: Unmasking the Crisis

Mental wellness has become a pressing issue worldwide, with the World Health Organization reporting a 26% rise in depression and an 18% increase in anxiety disorders over the past decade. Drug overdoses are now the leading cause of death among people aged 15-49 years globally. A lack of access to good education and resources for coping with the challenges of today's rapidly evolving world is among the root causes of the crisis. In an age of rapid technological progress, shifting social norms, and global interconnectedness, individuals often feel overwhelmed and uncertain. Traditional education systems do not provide us with the necessary tools, knowledge, and understanding to thrive in this complex world, leading to increased stress, anxiety, and depression.

Decoding the Modernist Mystery: Paradigm Mental Health

The escalation of alienation, decrease in empathy, and increase in depression and suicide are pressing issues affecting our world today. These problems have complex roots, stemming from individual, social, and cultural factors, as well as deeper systemic issues within the current modernist paradigm.

The modernist paradigm, defined by a focus on individualism, competition, and materialism, prioritizes economic growth and efficiency over emotional and social well-being. This has led to a society that values objective outcomes, causing disconnection and loneliness among people, and contributing to higher rates of mental health problems like depression, anxiety, and others.

To address these challenges, we require a new way of thinking that places equal value on interconnection, community, and emotional well-being as it does on economic growth and efficiency. This new paradigm often referred to as metamodernism, values empathy, emotional intelligence, and a sense of purpose and meaning. By embracing this new perspective, we can work together to build a more sustainable and thriving future for all.

The Education Collapse: The Education System's Decline

In recent times, the decline of education institutions and their failure to provide citizens with the right knowledge and skills have become a larger source of concern. This problem extends beyond academics, affecting the emotional well-being of students as well. The high levels of stress and competition in the education system, along with a lack of support for mental health, have been linked to rising rates of anxiety and depression among students.

The conventional education system has long prioritized academic subjects such as mathematics, science, history, and literature. While these subjects are important for building a strong foundation of knowledge and skills, schools often overlook the development of life skills and emotional intelligence, which are crucial for navigating society healthily.

Life skills refer to abilities that aid individuals in handling various challenges and situations in daily life, including problem solving, decision making, effective communication, and stress management, among others. Unfortunately, these skills are not taught in schools, leaving many individuals ill-equipped to navigate the complex world.

Emotional intelligence, on the other hand, refers to the ability to comprehend and manage one's own emotions and those of others. It is essential in personal relationships, work, and academic achievement, yet it is not widely taught in schools. The lack of focus on life skills and emotional intelligence in the education system can lead to increased levels of anxiety and depression, as well as difficulties in personal and professional relationships.

The Education Dilemma: The Dangers of Obsolete Learning in a Rapidly Evolving World

As the world evolves at a breakneck pace, the traditional education system is unable to keep up and provide students with the competencies required for navigating the contemporary world. The persistence of outdated curricula in the education system presents a significant challenge that must be addressed. Updating curricula to align with the changing needs of society is crucial in ensuring that students receive the education they need to succeed in the modern world.

The Inner Shift: Harnessing Personal Development to Tackle the Paradigm Shift

The current era presents numerous difficulties, ranging from societal, environmental, and economic problems to technological advancements. In this ever-changing environment, it is vital to cultivate our inner capacities such as emotional intelligence, resilience, and empathy, and to rekindle our connection to ourselves and nature.

As our fast-paced, technology-driven society continues to evolve, feelings of alienation, a lack of empathy, and a rising incidence of depression and suicide reflect a deeper disconnection from our inner selves and from nature. This disconnection leads to feelings of emptiness, despair, and disconnection from others, with a significant impact on our mental and emotional well-being.

Paradigm Prep: Organizational Empowerment

Unfortunately, many institutions such as education, government, and corporations are failing to prepare individuals for the challenges of our rapidly changing world due to rigid modes of thinking, lack of adaptability, and inadequate investment in developing life skills and emotional intelligence.

To better prepare individuals for the future, these institutions must shift their values, norms, and practices. This requires prioritizing the development of life skills and emotional intelligence, updating curriculums to reflect contemporary needs, and investing in programs that cultivate inner capacities, foster empathy and connectedness, and promote resilience and well-being.

Institutions must also transition towards more collaborative, equitable, and sustainable models that put the well-being of individuals and the planet first. This requires creating inclusive, diverse, and empowering environments where individuals can feel supported and contribute effectively to society.

The Inner Quest: Pursuing the Path of Human Flourishing with IDG

The Inner Development Goals (IDG) is a good example of a current important accelerator, which aims to help individuals and society build inner capacities such as emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and empathy, creating a more sustainable, equitable, and harmonious world. As traditional institutions struggle to meet society's needs, the IDG framework asserts that the root of these problems lies in a lack of focus on inner development and disconnection from ourselves, others, and nature.

The IDG initiative offers a comprehensive solution to these complex challenges. By prioritizing inner development, it empowers individuals and society to create a more sustainable, thriving, and less polarized future. Through the cultivation of skills such as emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and empathy, and by reconnecting with ourselves and nature, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and others and navigate the world with greater consciousness and compassion.

Mind and Machine: The Power of Edtech for Mental Health

The educational technology industry holds the key to mitigating our mental health crisis by empowering individuals to take charge of their learning and growth. Digital learning resources and platforms provide the means for individuals to build their mental toughness and comprehend their place in the world. Two frameworks empowering a societal shift are the IDGs and RULER. These two frameworks recognize that personal development, emotional intelligence and mental wellness are interconnected and that enabling individuals to grow inwardly is crucial for our overall wellness. Edtech can give individuals access to digital educational tools and resources that focus on self-improvement, fostering mental resilience and well-being. IDG is collaborating with 29k, a digital platform that offers various features aimed at helping individuals cultivate their inner selves and mental resilience. These features include guided meditations, mindfulness exercises, and self-reflection prompts. The app aligns with the IDG Framework's emphasis on personal development for mental health and edtech's potential to provide access to these resources. Additionally, the digital platform boasts an online community where individuals can connect with others and exchange their experiences, promoting a sense of belonging and connection. The personalized learning experience offered by 29k and IDG exemplifies the potential of edtech to support a more thriving society. RULER has also recently released their own app. (RULER is an evidence-based approach to social and emotional learning (SEL) developed at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, where Marc Brackett is the founding Director.) Edtech plays a deeply crucial role in addressing both the mental health crisis but also the transition to the Metamodern Matrix. By empowering individuals to understand the rapidly changing world and develop their inner selves, Edtech can promote mental resilience and well-being, preventing the mental health crisis from escalating further. As leaders and innovators within the Edtech industry, you are at the forefront of empowering the paradigm shift, I urge for deeper insight and a higher sense of responsibility. Consider integrating some of the frameworks above into your standard program, modules, or courses. The IDG Framework ( is open source and funded by Ekskäret Foundation. Stockholm School of Economics implemented IDG into its curriculum last month, being one of the first top universities in the world to take the lead on integrating vertical development into traditional education. More decision-makers need to act.

Space for Growth: Transforming Real Estate for a Thriving Society

Deliberately Developmental Spaces (DDS) is a creative approach to real estate that values the growth and development of its inhabitants. By providing an environment that supports personal growth and well-being, DDS addresses many of the interrelated challenges in our society and becomes another powerful accelerator toward a more thriving society. Setting up and organizing a DDS, whatever form it may have is a complex matter, and the concept has just emerged in recent years, building upon Robert Kegan's Deliberately Developmental Organizations (DDO). I've personally been part of three DDS journeys: K9 Coliving: K9 is a purpose-driven real estate venture that launches and manages conscious co-living and co-working properties for global citizens. The aim is to support the development of a more conscious society. Protus: Protus is an organisation hosting summer camps for teenagers between 14-19 started by Ekskäret Foundation, an initiative to bring together leaders and change makers on the Swedish island of the same name and create an environment for discussion and action creating social awareness and change. Burning Man: Burning Man is an event focused on community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance held annually in the western United States.

Each of these innovative uses of space and real estate has first of all the potential to positively impact individuals, communities, and society as a whole. By fostering a sense of community, promoting personal growth, and encouraging well-being, they can help transform society. Here I want to emphasize the importance of the organizational structure to become a thriving DDS (do it wrong and you can easily create a toxic cult instead!). As an example, we had no top-down management at K9 and implemented the Holocracy Management Framework. All 50 residents were the stakeholders and had equal participation in the decision-making. Just from our house a multitude of startups, and important initiatives have been born, but more essentially it has a tendency to elevate more active co-creators and citizens of our society as it’s not an all-inclusive hotel, conference, or retreat you’re moving into or visiting. It’s a space where you’re invited to be an active participant, contributor, and collaborator. There is a powerful personal transformation that happens in a DDS environment.

Deliberately Developmental Leaders

The personal transformation I'm referring to is the shift from a Socialized Mind to a Self-Authoring Mind, or a Self Transforming Mind. I've gone through several shifts during my time at K9 and Protus and I elaborate more on that here and here. A transition can be a facilitated smooth journey or happen through a rough existential breakdown. My latest one was one of the latter, including the Near Death Experience package, I would recommend the first instead. The 5 stages from Robert Kegan’s Adult Development Theory:

Stage 1: Impulsive Mind (early childhood)

Stage 2: Instrumental or Imperial (adolescence, 6% of adult population)

Stage 3: Socialized Mind (58% of the adult population)

Stage 4: Self-Authoring Mind (35% of the adult population)

Stage 5: Self-Transforming Mind (1% of the adult population)

"Self-Transforming Knowers: These individuals can “see beyond themselves” and see how people and systems interact. Costa and Garmston write, “An additional way of making meaning, occupied by only a few adults, might be summarized as ‘There are relationships and I am part of them.’” These individuals are highly interdependent and conflict is regarded as a valuable asset for growth, change, and optimal solutions. These individuals are highly reflective and can think in the abstract. They are self-monitoring, self-managing, and self-modifying. Garmston and Costa suggest that “systems thinking may be part of their way of understanding challenges and working toward goals” Source Deliberately Developmental Spaces (DDS) and spaces for growth is an important accelerator in empowering citizens to become more active co-creators of our future society. Article: Why more Deliberately Developmental Leaders are important for a Thriving World More ideas for what a DDS could be:

  • Co-living spaces bring people together in a shared living environment, fostering a sense of community and providing opportunities for social interaction and personal growth.

  • Eco-villages are intentional communities that strive to create a sustainable way of living by integrating environmental, social, and economic aspects, offering a supportive and collaborative environment for personal and collective growth.

  • Coworking spaces provide a supportive environment for entrepreneurs and creative individuals to work, collaborate, and grow their businesses.

  • Retreat centers: Real estate can be utilized to create dedicated spaces for retreat centers, offering a supportive atmosphere for individuals to focus on their physical, mental, and spiritual health.

    • Metamodern Monastery: A space designed for personal transformation, inner development, and spiritual growth. Its purpose is to provide individuals with a supportive environment that encourages self-exploration and introspection, while fostering connections with nature, community, and purpose.

Tying it All Together: A Look at the Big Picture

The ongoing Metacrisis has brought to light the need for innovative solutions to help empower a smooth transition to a Metamodern Matrix. I see it as a three-step accelerator where the latest research within social science fields such as metamodern philosophy, adult development psychology, and developmental sociology is unlocking and enabling new horizons of possibilities. Important thinkers and researchers such as Hanzi Freinacht, Tomas Björkman, Robert Kegan, Daniel Schmachtenberger, Michael Commons, and Mark Brackett are some of the new cultural code writers currently pulling the deep social science train.

“It’s like electricity just was invented” A quote from Tomas Björkman that got stuck in my mind from our latest call.

There are as well currently a few avant-garde Swedish foundations that have realized the importance of translating this research into tangible frameworks and movements. Ekskäret Foundation is taking the lead here, Norrsken Foundation with Niklas Adalberth is on it as well, The Inner Foundation with Pär-Jörgen Pärson just caught up last year. This is the beginning of a small but steadily growing movement of tech billionaires wakening up and starting to allocate their collected fortunes toward accelerating a more conscious society (the new matrix). I'm sitting front row with my popcorns to see which VC firms will be the first ones to 'get it' and catch up on this one. (Later edit: One Venture Partner at Oyster Bay Venture Capital was the first one to like this post on Linkedin)

To reach Malcolm Gladwells famous tipping point. To go from a modernist and postmodernist world - to a dominant metamodern world it will be critical to nudge 15% of current citizens of a nation (or humanity) to tip the scale. And here is the critical hack: The transition will go quicker if the nudged people are part of the Creative class. The quintuple H-people: Hipsters, Hippies, Hackers, Hermetics, and Hyperagents, as they naturally have the highest concentration of Total Captital (a mix of social capital, cultural capital, economic capital, emotion­al capital, sexual capital, and good health) - and the power to rapidly influence and steer society in a new direction. Building upon Hanzi Freinacht Triple-H concept: Read more about the H-people When a gathering of H-people happens somewhere (probably at a DDS), and they eventually align on values, why, and code - there is a magnetic but natural tendency to start innovating, collaborating, and building. When H-people also become DDLeaders they'll break new ground and horizons within whichever field they decide to pursue.

As a personal example, before I transitioned from Foodtech to Edtech I was part of building the first vertical megafarm in central Stockholm with some more H-people, pushing the limits of possibilities, exploring new ways of growing food, and making a leap toward future food security for Sweden. With a growing global uncertainty, these kinds of initiatives will be key accelerators to what comes next. Instead of trying to escape the matrix, let's gather up and write the code for the new metagame. Which kind of game do you wanna play?

Video created with D-ID. Quote from the philosopher Hanzi Freinacht, The art is created with DALL-E.


Venture Builder, Scale-up Advisor, Fractional Leader.

© Copyright Esia Nathaniel 2024
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